Thursday, December 30, 2010

Confessions of a Fangirl

OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!! Confession time. When I was a wee young lass in high school, I was positively hooked onto Parfait Tic! It was the air I breathed, the dreams I dreamt, the thoughts I pondered, Parfait Tic was carved in my heart of hearts. I even doodled the story onto the margin of my class notes. What can I say? I was a lovesick fangirl. Of course, that's all in the past and unfortunately only lasted up to volume 8...after which I was terrorized to bits and pieces by the out of control storyline which just wouldn't freakin' let up. But alas, I had to go on hiatus with the story since the scanlations were not coming out fast enough.... then fast forward four years later and now the complete 22 volumes sit on my shelf. I trudged through the rest of the story with a heavy heart, but I had to know who Fuuko would end up with. Daiya Foreva!!!

Okay, so now that I discovered they are currently airing a TWdrama based on the story called Love Buffet. Well, yours truly's hopes and dreams were simultaneously fulfilled and shattered. Confession Part 2. I had wished and wished that there would be a drama based on the story and I would one day star in said fabulous drama based on the story (up to volume 8 only!) and be in the arms of the wonderful Daiya and we would live happily ever after. A girl can fantasize, right? Right? But now.... a idol cast.... oh the humanity!!!! I know the story isn't exactly intense drama material, but judging from my current viewing of Hana Kimi (TW), I don't think justice will be done for those precious 8 volumes of mine by this live action drama. Those 8 volumes captured the emotional turmoil of a girl in a one-sided love, her transition and her full recovery so well.... Yeah, that was my heart talking. *Sigh* but the potential was there and so was the love.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Holiday Drama Watching

For me, it seems there is never enough time to watch dramas. SERIOUSLY. It's been 2 weeks into my 4 weeks holiday-- my last long school break holiday ever, that is-- I've only been able to finish 1 drama. I started a whole bunch at the start of my break too, with the assumption that if I watch a whole bunch at once I'll be able to finish that whole bunch. High hopes indeed... Why are the holidays so short? On the other hand, I know I have no right to complain since 4 weeks equals 1 month and that's like 1/12th of a year. I know, I know, I must have been super good this year to get such an awesome Christmas gift. But I wish there were more hours in a day. So does that mean that I'll get even less hours of sleep now that I have to cram my drama watching. Ahhhh...the life of a drama addict is not so simple to manage.

Currently, I'm trying to cram in Hana Kimi (Taiwan) with lots of fast forwarding. Taiwanese dramas aggravate me to no end. The over-acting drives me up the wall and the illogical narration and the reuse of the same stock characters. As of this moment, I too am asking myself why do I even bother? All I ever end up doing while watching is complain and fast forward and be bored to tears. Thank goodness, I usually have the sense to drop and move on with other dramas. I always try to convince myself to keep an open-mind, that's why. The one exception and drama that slightly changed my idea of TWdrama was Black and White. And that's the power of an excellent drama.

It's really too bad there aren't enough action dramas in the TWdrama landscape. Though it's totally understandable from a financial perspective. Action costs more, while romcom is a guaranteed viewership magnet.... but variety is always welcomed TWdrama production companies, just sayin'. Eye candy can only get one so far. Not that I'm complaining about reducing the quantity or anything of the sort. *proudly waves fangirl flag* So in short, in the new year I wish for more time, more quality drama and even more eye candy.